By Stephen Hynes | June 26, 2018 | SANBlaze
One of the features the SANBlaze software provides is detailed performance data over a test run. Before running initiator tests you will need to enable this feature, as it is disabled by default.

There are a few level options in collecting statistics. The LUN or Namespace is chosen in this example. You can export this data at any time but in this example we are going to wait for the test to complete. Once the test has completed there are multiple options for exporting the data. This is done by using the sb_filter tool from the CLI. Please Consult SANBlaze VirtuaLUN Enhanced Data Collection for more detailed information.
sb_filter -?
sb_filter [options]
-b Bin number to include (0 - 19), default is all, specify multiple if desired (ex. -b 0 -b 1)
-e EndTime (ex: -e 2/5/2015:16:00:00 or "2/5/2015 16:00:00)"
-s StartTime (ex: -s 2/5/2015:18:00:00 or "2/5/2015 18:00:00)"
-d DeltaTime (ex: -d 00:15:00, -d -3:00:00)
-f Output file name
-A Append to output file (don't overwrite)
-o Output format [CSV|JSON], if not specified will write both formats
-N Output at most this many lines
-P Pad output at 5-second intervals, when no data is available
-n List of input file names to process
-p Port range (ex: -p 2 -p 0,1,4-5)
-q Query
Multiple queries can be specified (ex: -q ReadIOs -q WriteIOs)
-t Target range (ex: -t 2 -t 0,1,4-5)
-l LUN range (ex: -l 2 -l 0,1,4-5)
-a Array range (ex: -l 2 -l 0,1,4-5)
-i Specific LUNIds to include, enter as many as needed (ex: -i ### -i #### ... -i ###)
-x X Axis Options [log|time]
-y Y Axis Options [log]
-g Get data (0) or inventory (1)
-v be verbose (use multiple times for more verbosity)
StartTime +delta, EndTime +delta or Starttime and Endtime can be provided
If EndTime is not provided, current time is assumed
If StartTime is not provided, oldest data available is returned
Collecting the performance data on port 0 target 0 lun 1 after the test run. Determine the time the test was running by locating StartTime and EndTime.
StartTime=May 17 15:13:03 EndTime=May 21 08:30:25
sb_filter -p 0 -t 0 -l 1 -q ReadLatency -q WriteLatency -q ReadIOs -q WriteIOs -q ReadBytes -q WriteBytes -f perfoutput -s 05/17/2018:15:13:16 -e 5/21/2018:08:30:25
Parsing performance data from /virtualun/webs/web/perf/init
Outputing data to /virtualun/webs/web/perf/output
Including ReadLatency
Including WriteLatency
Including ReadIOs
Including WriteIOs
Including ReadBytes
Including WriteBytes
No output formats specified, output CSV and JSON
Start time=Thu May 17 15:13:16 2018 (1526584396)
End time=Mon May 21 08:30:25 2018 (1526905825)
time is after desired end time at offset 2089
Using specified output file perfoutput
Output dataset to perfoutput.csv
Output dataset to perfoutput.json
The output will be saved to wherever sb_filter was run from. Import this data into Excel (or equivalent) to graph this data. Here are some examples of data graphed in Excel for Latency including Write and Read Latency:

Looking at all this data at the same time can be difficult, so you can narrow it down. For example, if min, max, and totals are of interest, change the sb_filter command to only output that data using -b option.
sb_filter -b 16 -p 0 -t 0 -l 1 -q ReadLatency -q WriteLatency -q ReadIOs -q WriteIOs -q
ReadBytes -q WriteBytes -f perfoutput -s 05/17/2018:15:13:16 -e 5/21/2018:08:30:25
This will simplify the output and make it easier to work with. You are on your way to detailed performance reports using your SANBlaze Initiator.
To learn more, contact us.